💧 The International Office for Water wishes you all the best for 2023! 💧​

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The team of the International Office for Water

is pleased to present you its Best Wishes for a successfull New Year 2023!

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In 2023, we look forward to seeing you at

United Nations Water Conference,

from 22 to 24 March in New York.

This important event will be dedicated to “Water and Sustainable Development” and will bring together all the political leaders of the sector.

Press Relations

Would you like to interview one of our association’s managers? Meet or talk with our experts on our themes or projects in more than 80 countries? Visit our Training Centre, unique in Europe with its 45,000 m2 of educational facilities?

Contact our communication department!

Contact : Sabine Benjamin – Head of Communication – +33 6 33 89 35 32 – communication@oieau.fr

The International Office for Water, a French association recognised as being of public utility and holding the “Environmental Protection” approval, works for better water management in France, Europe and the world.

Its activities are based on 4 complementary fields of expertise: professional training; documentation & data management; international cooperation and technical & institutional support, provided to water and environmental stakeholders (local authorities, institutions, industrialists, environmental services, operators, etc.) at all levels, from local to international.

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