iTAC and Brose develop Industry 4.0 solutions for automated SMT …

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****** iTAC and Brose develop Industry 4.0 solutions for automated SMT production
What saving potential and process optimizations can automation bring to SMT production? This and other questions are being addressed by the MES/MOM specialist iTAC Software AG in a pilot project for the automotive supplier Brose. The use cases are based on an IIoT platform with edge solutions from iTAC with the goal of increasing cycle times, avoiding errors and creating more value.
E-mobility, autonomous driving, and shared mobility – these and other developments are currently changing the market. As requirements continue to grow, the degree of digitalization in factories is also increasing.
To continue to play a leading role in the rapidly changing automotive sector, Brose is focusing on transparency and a high level of digitalization in its production. One goal is to make data-based decisions. “Data analysis is the basis for error prevention, targeted actions, and predictions for the future. To enable Brose to fully exploit the potential of the available data, we are currently collaborating on a pilot project. We are contributing our expertise in the development and deployment of infrastructure and machine connectivity. Brose has the production data expertise to develop the corresponding algorithms,” says Peter Bollinger.
MES/MOM specialist iTAC supports Brose with its IIoT platform including the iTAC.SMT.Edge machine integration platform powered by Cogiscan, which serves to standardize and centralize factory level data. The subsequent real-time data analysis and further processing is handled by the iTAC.IIoT.Edge software.
“The IIoT platform and edge solutions offer a broad range of actionable solutions. The aim of all the applications we will be rolling out on this scalable basis is to enable Brose to adapt to the volatile market in an agile manner and produce with the highest quality,” states Peter Bollinger.
Contact: iTAC Software AG Alina Leber +(49)26021065211

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