Summary and outcome of the Third Special Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe

Summary and outcome of the Third Special Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe

Copenhagen, 15 May 2023 

A special session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RCSS3), the decision-making body for WHO in the European Region, was held in a virtual format on 15 May 2023. It was chaired by Ambassador Ms Nora Kronig Romero (Switzerland), Executive President of the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe.

The session was held at the request of 30 Member States in the WHO European Region. These countries put forward a draft decision to close the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, located in Moscow, Russian Federation, and relocate its functions and the management of its activities to the WHO Regional Office located in Copenhagen, Denmark, no later than 1 January 2024.

Prior to voting on the proposed decision, Member States also voted on two amendments to the proposed decision:

The first amendment, submitted by the Russian Federation, was “to establish a sub-committee of the Regional Committee to inquire into closing the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office) in Moscow and the relocation of its functions and management of activities to the WHO Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen, Denmark”.  A majority of Member States present voted against the amendment submitted by the Russian Federation.

The second amendment was submitted by the Republic of Tajikistan to “relocate the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office) from Moscow, Russian Federation, to Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan.” A majority of Member States present voted against the amendment submitted by the Republic of Tajikistan.

With reference to the draft decision to close the NCD Office in Moscow and relocate its functions to the WHO Regional Office in Copenhagen (EUR/RCSS3/CONF./2), by way of a vote, the majority of Member States present agreed to the Decision.  

Following the outcome of today’s proceedings, and during a period of transition of functions, the WHO Regional Office will continue to safeguard support and guidance to Member States on addressing noncommunicable diseases across the Region.

Many Member States taking the floor expressed their appreciation for and underlined the importance of the work of WHO/Europe in supporting them in efforts to prevent and control NCDs.

Noncommunicable diseases are by far the leading cause of mortality across the WHO European Region. Taken together, the four main NCDs – cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases – account for nearly 75% of deaths across the WHO European Region which covers 53 countries across Europe and Central Asia.


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