A Museum Honoring the Waltz King: The House of Strauss

press release transmitted on behalf of: House of Strauss. In case of any questions, please contact the issuer directly. Please do not reply to this e-mail.
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****** A Museum Honoring the Waltz King: The House of Strauss
FREE FOR RELEASE AFTER 25.10., 12:12 (UTC+1)
On October 25, 2023, Vienna, the renowned world capital of music, will unveil its latest cultural gem, the House of Strauss. This interactive museum pays tribute to the illustrious Strauss family, renowned for composing timeless masterpieces such as “The Blue Danube”.
You are invited to join the press conference and the opening in Vienna or via livestream (details: www.houseofstrauss.at/opening/ ). Start: 11:30, European Time
Full press kit is already available here:
Key Highlights:
1. A Cultural Hotspot in Vienna: The House of Strauss, situated in Vienna, Austria, the music capital of the world, is set to open its doors on October 25, 2023.
2. A Blend of Tradition and Technology: This unique museum seamlessly combines historic original rooms of the Strauss dynasty with cutting-edge technologies, including 3D avatars, animated visuals, and LED walls.
3. Global Expansion on the Horizon: Plans are underway for the worldwide expansion of the House of Strauss, aiming to share the musical legacy with audiences around the globe.
Contact: Mr. Hermann Rauter Website: www.houseofstrauss.at/ Email: mailto:info@houseofstrauss.at

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