Direct link between COVID-19 and increased obesity in school-aged children

New WHO/Europe report highlights a direct link between COVID-19 and increased obesity in school-aged children

Copenhagen, 1 May 2024

A new report from WHO/Europe confirms what has long been suspected: a link between the COVID-19 pandemic and increased rates in obesity among children 7 to 9 years old.

The publication, titled “Report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the daily routine and behaviours of school-aged children: results from 17 Member States in the WHO European Region”, presents research showing that the pandemic led to more screen time and less physical activity, mirroring an increase in overweight children in the same age range.

Children’s health trends ­– key highlights

The study found that during the pandemic:

  • 36% of children increased their time spent watching television, playing online games or using social media during the weekdays, and 34% increased their recreational screen time on weekends;
  • 28% of children experienced a decrease in time spent in outdoor activities during weekdays, and 23% experienced a decrease on weekends;
  • families reported an increase in consuming home-cooked meals (30%), eating together as a family (29%), buying food in bulk (28%) and cooking meals together with children (26%);
  • 42% of children reported a decline in happiness and well-being;
  • 1 in 5 children reported feeling sad more frequently; and
  • 1 in 4 children also reported feeling lonely more frequently.

WHO/Europe conducted the research along with the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Childhood Obesity at the National Health Institute Dr Ricardo Jorge in Lisbon, Portugal. It took place in 17 of the Region’s 53 Member States from 2021 to 2023. More than 50 000 children took part in the comprehensive survey.

Lessons for countries

Dr Kremlin Wickramasinghe, WHO/Europe’s Regional Adviser for Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity, explained, “The picture that this report paints is nuanced – in some countries there were positive changes, such as more families eating together, but there were also some concerning findings, including an increase in unhealthy dietary habits and sedentary time.”

He emphasized, “We cannot afford to ignore these trends – in our Region, 1 in 3 children is living with overweight and obesity, and already fruit and vegetable consumption is low. I hope that this report will sound an alarm, pushing us to take urgent action to improve nutrition and physical activity patterns in the Region, especially by creating environments that will support healthy behaviours.”

Dr Ana Rito, Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Childhood Obesity, and co-author of the report, added, “This study and its findings give us a first-of-its-kind view into the physical and mental outcomes of the pandemic for school-aged children with a focus on the long-term, high-risk disease of obesity. Equipping the Region and Member States with concrete evidence of problematic outcomes of global pandemic-based behavioural changes will enable us to approach future health crises with greater strategy and sympathy.”

The pandemic highlighted the urgency of tackling childhood obesity. Countries of the Region need to build back better by prioritizing healthy eating and physical activity for children across all stages of development. This requires comprehensive, multisectoral, mandatory legislation that protects children all the time and no matter what. WHO recommends such practices as marketing restrictions and taxes on unhealthy products, clear nutrition labels on foods, and school-based programmes to improve diets and promote physical activity.

The new WHO data can be used to inform and improve current policies across the Region and shape much-needed plans for future emergencies and pandemics that may lead to interruption of educational processes or school closures.



Igor Kryuchkov,

Press Office, 


Report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the daily routine and behaviours of school-aged children: results from 17 Member States in the WHO European Region (2024):

WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022 (2022):  

WHO acceleration plan to stop obesity 2023 (2023):

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