Media advisory – Auditors to discuss EU AI ambitions with key players – livestream on 14 June

Auditors to discuss EU AI ambitions with key players – livestream on 14 June

Media advisory

Auditors to discuss EU AI ambitions with key players – livestream on 14 June

On Friday 14 June, from 10.00 to 12.00, the European Court of Auditors will be hosting a panel debate on artificial intelligence – more infoThe event will bring together representatives from the European institutions, including key legislator Dragoș Tudorache MEP, as well as from the EU Court of Justice and the European Commission, alongside an AI expert from the private sector – Mistral AI.

The panellists are expected to explore the future landscape of AI in the EU, address the main question of what progress the EU has made in implementing AI policy, and delve into the key findings of the auditors’ recent report on the EU’s AI ambitions.

> > > > > The event will be livestreamed here (in English) < < < < <


The extent to which we embrace AI is likely to determine the EU’s future economic development. More than five years ago, the European Commission adopted a coordinated plan with the member states to scale up investment in AI and adapt the regulatory environment. The Parliament adopted the EU AI Act in March 2024. In their special report, the auditors called on the EU to pick up the pace, as stronger governance and greater, more focused investment are essential going forward.

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