Impact instead of mere commitment: ESG Transparency Award honors the best sustainability reports in Europe

The ESG Transparency Award is now expanding its analysis process to the European level


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Impact instead of mere commitment: ESG Transparency Award honors the best sustainability reports in Europe

Bonn, August 9, 2024 – Following last year’s recognition of the best organizations in Germany, the ESG Transparency Award is now expanding its analysis process to the European level. The global market research and certification institute EUPD Research, established in the sectors of renewable energy, social sustainability, and ESG, is responding to the increasing demand from shareholders and stakeholders for transparency in the still opaque sustainability reporting landscape of European organizations.

The Europe-wide Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will soon require not only large corporations but also medium-sized companies to report in detail on their sustainability measures. ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting aims to accelerate the economic transformation towards sustainability and address global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and child labor. EUPD Research analyzes sustainability reports based on the ESG Transparency Evaluation Standard to reveal how transparently an organization communicates its social, ecological, and corporate responsibilities. The analysis and verification procedures are practically weighted by the evaluations of the annually newly appointed ESG Transparency Committee.

The initiating institute from Bonn has over 23 years of experience in research, publication, and certification in all sustainability sectors and developes scientific quality models for analyzing sustainable actions in the economy. Markus A. W. Hoehner, CEO and founder of EUPD Research, emphasizes: “Our goal is for organizations to view ESG reporting not just as a legal obligation, but as an opportunity to position their company competitively for the future. Engagement and transparency in sustainability issues are the foundation for satisfied stakeholders.”

Any company can participate in the ESG Transparency Award by submitting its most recently published ESG report for free. While the best in each industry and size category are honored with an award, all other participating organizations benefit from a data-based gap analysis for efficient optimization and further development.

Oliver Burkhard, CEO thyssenkrupp Marine Systems GmbH and ESG Transparency Award winner in 2023, says: “Winning the ESG Transparency Award is a sign that we have set the right course, and it gives us momentum for our ambitious sustainability goals.”

Oliver Burkhard,CEO ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems GmbH (c) ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems

In addition to the transparency assessment of sustainability reports, the evaluation serves various research projects on the state of reporting and other sustainability segments in Germany and Europe. The award process also focuses on knowledge transfer and the exchange of best practices.

Deutsche Telekom AG honoured with the ESG Transparency Award 2023 (c) EUPD / Wenski

The responsible persons from the organizations awarded the ESG Transparency Award will be appointed to the ESG Transparency Committee for the coming year. The committee, as a collaborative body, aims to continuously develop and weight the ESG Transparency Evaluation Standard according to relevance. Below is an excerpt of the current members of the ESG Transparency Committee 2024:

  • Aline Mittag, Head of ESG Management – Asklepios Kliniken GmbH & Co. KGaA
  • Andre Thiesen, Manager integrated Management Systems – RLE INTERNATIONAL
  • Andreas Hasslinger, Marketing Communications – Klüber Lubrication
  • Anja Nacken, Stabsbereichsleiterin Nachhaltigkeit – AOK Rheinland/Hamburg
  • Astrid Bayer, Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragte – Provinzial Holding AG
  • Astrid Deufel, ESG Manager – MLF Mercator-Leasing GmbH & Co. Finanz-KG
  • Barış Kılıç, Leitung Nachhaltigkeit & Lean Management – Johann Bunte Bauunternehmung SE + Co. KG 
  • Charlotte Kaspari, Leiterin Geschäftsbereich 6 (Facility Management) – Universitätsklinikum Bonn 
  • Christian Michels, Stabsstelle Referent Nachhaltigkeit – Universitätsklinikum Bonn 
  • Diana Pauly, Head of Sustainability – idealo internet GmbH 
  • Dirk Friebel, Manager Nachhaltigkeit und Klimaschutz – degewo AG 
  • Felix Schwörer, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement – SchwörerHaus KG 
  • Florian Schmiedler, Manager Brand & Group Communications – Schwerpunkt Nachhaltigkeit – Körber AG 
  • Gregor Steiger, Projektleiter Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement – Unternehmensgruppe Nassauische Heimstätte | Wohnstadt  
  • Gudrun Schumann, Sustainability Manager – Bayer AG 
  • Harald Schmidt, Head of ESG Reporting – E.ON SE 
  • Henning Osmers-Rentzsch, Leitung Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement – VILSA-BRUNNEN Otto Rodekohr GmbH  
  • Dr. Irene Schönreiter, Director Nachhaltigkeit, Sicherheit & Gesundheit – Silver Atena GmbH 
  • Jan Spreter, Head of Sustainability Germany – Fujitsu 
  • József Bőhm, Global Head of Sustainability – KOSTAL Group 
  • Katharina Höfner, Manager International Accounting – TÜV SÜD AG 
  • Lara Schulte, Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragte – VOLKSWOHL BUND Versicherungen 
  • Leonora Beyhl, ESG Manager – BWI GmbH 
  • Lukas Manke, Nachhaltigkeitsmanager – Johann Bunte Bauunternehmung SE & Co. KG 
  • Markus Hermann, Sustainability Manager Klüber Lubrication Group – Klüber Lubrication GmbH & Co. KG 
  • Markus Kihm, Leiter Umwelt-/ Genehmigungsmanagement, Bauleitplanung – Lech-Stahlwerke GmbH 
  • Dr. Marlene Fischer, Head of ESG – thyssenkrupp Marine Systems GmbH 
  • Matthias Meinecke, Referent für Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung – ADAC SE 
  • Melanie Borsos, Head of Non-financial Reporting & Human Rights – Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG 
  • Michaela Thiel, Head of Sustainability – Körber AG 
  • Nathalie Martin, ESG Reporting Manager – HUGO BOSS AG 
  • Nils Detje, Director Global Corporate Social Responsibility – MANN+HUMMEL International GmbH & Co. KG 
  • Sabrina Greuel, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin – Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co. KG 
  • Samuel Frey, Nachhaltigkeit – Fraunhofer Institut für solare Energiesysteme ISE 
  • Sebastian Leins, Senior Manager Sustainability Reporting – Bayer AG 
  • Silvia Wittl, Umwelt- und Klimamanagerin, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement – Neumarkter Lammsbräu Gebr. Ehrnsperger KG 
  • Dr. Sophie Winter, Global Sustainability Manager – KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA 
  • Stefan Koczula, CSR-Manager – Schwarz Produktion Stiftung & Co. KG 
  • Dr. Stefan Müller, Director Commercial Environmental Sustainability and Business Compliance – AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG 
  • Svetlana Thaller-Honold, Leitung Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement – Gothaer Versicherungen 
  • Univ. – Prof. Dr. Volker Stein, Universitätsprofessor – Universität Siegen

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About EUPD Research

EUPD is a leading market research, analysis, and certification institute in the entire sustainability sector and has enjoyed pioneer status both nationally and globally for over 23 years. In continuous collaboration with science, politics, business, and media, EUPD plays a vital role in initiating and establishing socially relevant quality models and initiatives in the ESG context. In the energy sector, EUPD focuses on the four pillars of the energy transition: electricity, heat, mobility, and energy efficiency. The primary data-based market research and consulting services are designed to lead their clients’ business strategies to success, create added value, and strengthen their market positioning. In the field of social sustainability, EUPD focuses on the health of employees and related topics such as corporate culture, inclusion, diversity, and more, based on the continuously developed Corporate Health Evaluation Standard. For more information: 


The ESG TRANSPARENCY AWARD honors outstanding achievements in the sustainability reporting of organizations of all sizes and industries. The transparent preparation of ESG reports and their public and transparent presentation is a key component to addressing the challenges and opportunities of legal regulations and non-financial stakeholder management in the future. For more information:

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