Still open: Accreditation for the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences

Still open: Accreditation for the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences

Lindau, 8 August 2022 =====================
Accreditation for the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences
Online access [] to the Meeting from 23–27 August
Programme at []
Media representatives are invited to register for the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences ( #LINOecon [] ). If you already sent your accreditation, this note is no longer relevant for you.
For capacity reasons (indoor event/pandemic precaution), journalists, bloggers, and science influencers will be able to follow the programme via an online platform.
So far, 19 recipients of the Sveriges Riksbank’s Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel have confirmed their participation [] in the meeting. They will play a major role in shaping the programme from Tuesday, 23 August, to Saturday, 27 August 2022, and will exchange ideas with about 350 young economists from all over the world.
Joshua D. Angrist, who co-received the 2021 Economics Prize for the empirical contributions to labour economics, has also confirmed his attendance. In addition, Paul R. Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson (online), awarded in 2020 for their research on auctions, will attend the meeting.
Structure of the Meeting Programme
The programme begins on Tuesday, 23 August at 14.00 hrs CEST, with an opening ceremony. The scientific part will start with two lectures, followed by a panel discussion on the topic of auctions.
On the following three days, apart from lectures and panel discussions, Next Gen Economics [] sessions will take place in the Lindau Inselhalle, complemented by Laureate Lunches and Science Walks. On the closing day (Saturday, 27 August), with the traditional boat trip to Mainau Island, the topic of “Economics and Politics of War and Sanctions” will be on the agenda. And after two years of the pandemic, there will also be plenty of time throughout the week for scientific and personal exchange and encounters between economists of different generations and cultures.
Accreditation for Media Representatives
To participate in the programme of the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences as a journalist, blogger or science influencer, please register for [] accreditation [] on our website [] :
* Access to the programme via livestream
* Short-term provision of recordings of the programme as background for reporting
* Provision of photo/video material from Lindau
The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings communications team is looking forward to – once again mainly virtual – cooperating with media from all over the world.
If you have any questions about the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences and our services, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Media representatives
Wolfgang Haaß [] Daniela Thiel [] Annabell Reiß []
Social Media / Lindau Alumni
Christoph Schumacher []
Patricia Edema [] []
Further information
Key Visual of the 7th Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
About the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings
Since their foundation in 1951 the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings have developed into a unique international scientific forum. The annual Meetings provide an opportunity for an exchange between different generations, cultures and disciplines. The theme of the Lindau Meetings alternates between the three Nobel Prize scientific disciplines, Physics, Chemistry or Physiology and Medicine. Every five years an interdisciplinary Meeting takes place, while the Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences is held every three years. Through the medium of various declarations (2020 for Open Science, 2015 on Climate Change, 1955 Against the Use of Nuclear Weapons) the scientists have repeatedly joined in the public debate with political appeals.
It was the Lindau physicians Franz Karl Hein and Gustav Wilhelm Parade who approached Count Lennart Bernadotte af Wisborg with the idea of a conference of Nobel Laureates and proceeded to jointly implement this with him – since 1953 with the participation of young scientists. Some 35,000 students, PhD candidates and post-docs have since taken part. Their experience of the meeting may be literally once-in-a-lifetime, but they remain permanent members of the Lindau Alumni Network and ambassadors for scientific dialogue.
All year long the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings continue to pursue their “Mission Education” aimed at emphasising the importance of science and advocating science and research. This is also the purpose for which the online mediatheque is being developed into a learning platform which includes teaching materials for schools.
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