Stage 11: on a comeback mission/ Etapa 11 : operación Remontada


© A.S.O. / C.Lopez


Empty Quarter Marathon, January 12nd 2023

DAKAR 2023




© A.S.O. / F.Gooden / DPPI

The much-awaited day of the plunge into the Empty Quarter has arrived. After running along the border with the United Arab Emirates yesterday, today it was the turn of the Sultanate of Oman from where the riders, drivers and crews found themselves a stone’s throw away on their way to the marathon camp, a bivouac without the assistance teams. In this immense desert expanse, the rally’s competitors were offered 275 kilometres of special, with a wealth of dunes, naturally, but also gigantic chotts allowing the participants to try and hit the maximum authorised speed limits: 160 kmph for the bikes and 170 kmph for the cars. Luciano Benavides was comfortable on both types of terrain and clearly demonstrated that he is among the men to keep an eye on in his category, something that was already well known as regards the inexhaustible Sébastien Loeb.


Hazards, blunders and blows are so frequent in the rally-raid discipline that they make all predictions risky. This rule is as valid a month before the Dakar as it is just the day before and is still rightly on everybody’s minds merely a few days before the finish. This is evident to see from the bike rankings, in which the leader again changed today, with Kevin Benavides having only occupied the summit of the hierarchy for a day. The winner in 2021 was dethroned by Skyler Howes but is still in the reckoning for the title, trailing by only 2’44’’, though his team-mate at KTM Toby Price is even better placed, with a slim gap of merely 28’’. This closeness in the race against the clock among the elite has especially whetted the appetite of Luciano Benavides, who trailed behind his rivals during the first week due to several lost minutes, but is showing himself to be the man in form at present. The Husqvarna rider gave a demonstration on the dunes of the Empty Quarter to become the first triple stage winner in the category this year and is beginning to get seriously close to the riders in front of him whose places are well within his reach. The little brother has well and truly grown up and is now in 6th place, hot on the heels of Adrien Van Beveren, who made the day’s biggest losses and now has a gap of more than 15 minutes between himself and Skyler Howes, the other upwardly mobile official Husqvarna rider. Luciano Benavides‘ progress may be more likely to be successful, but it is less spectacular than Sébastien Loeb‘s. The Frenchman is inexorably closing in on the second place occupied by Lucas Moraes, though the Brazilian is jealously clinging on to his position and still has a nine-minute advantage in spite of the festival displayed by the man from Alsace currently taking top billing in Saudi Arabia. With victory on the first part of the marathon stage, Sébastien Loeb has obtained a fourth consecutive success on a special. Such a series has not been achieved previously in the elite of the car category since Carlos Sainz (2009), Ari Vatanen (5 stages in a row in 1989, then 4 in 1990) and Jacky Ickx (in 1982, 1983 and 1984). Admittedly, the WRC rally victory record holder claims not to be interested in statistics, but in this case such whittling away is eye-catching. It may not, however, be sufficient to put enough pressure on Nasser Al Attiyah to destabilise him, given that he sits on a cushion of one and a half hours and will be able to enjoy an untroubled night’s sleep under the stars at the marathon bivouac. This will not be the case for Guillaume de Mevius, whose duel with Austin Jones at the summit of the T3 category came to an end after forty kilometres due to a mechanical problem that lost the Belgian one and a half hours. After triumphing in the T4 race last year, the American has a free rein to make his change of category a success. As the Can-Am team look to the future, they may well be breaking out in cold sweat in light of the 1-2-3 finish accomplished by the Yamahas on the day’s stage (see performance of the day). In the T4 race, however, the match between world champion Rokas Baciuška and his 18-year-old challenger Eryk Goczał is in full swing. The advantage swung in the favour of Lithuania on stage 11, won by Rokas by a slim margin of 37’’, taking his lead in the general rankings to 4’17’’, but it is still all to play for in the SSV category. Janus Van Kasteren will also have difficulty controlling his lead in the truck category over the next few days, with an advantage of only 1’12’’ over Martin van den Brink, the winner of today’s stage.

Performance of the day :

Crushing blow

Several days ago, João Ferreira gave Yamaha its very first stage victory on the Dakar, a fine performance for the brand-new prototype from the Iwata factory making its debut in the T3 category. Behind its rather mysterious codename, the YXZ1000R Turbo is powered by an engine derived from one of the brand’s snowmobiles. In the Empty Quarter with its unending sea of dunes, what could be better than a “sand-mobile” to conquer them? Today, three representatives of the Yamaha clan put on a demonstration that thrilled all onlookers. The figures do not lie: just take a look at the gaps at the finishing line. Ricardo Porem picked up his first stage win on the Dakar ahead of Ferreira and Ignacio Casale, with the three men separated by only twenty-something seconds. More than six minutes behind them could be found none other than Seth Quintero, who gobbled up almost everything in his way last year, and Austin Jones, the new general rankings leader. This is no mean feat and says a lot about Yamaha’s intentions in rally-raid. The Japanese factory may have finished with the bike category, but in the T3 class, there is still very much a story to be written.

Manuel Andújar exited the Dakar in 2022 without having been able to defend his crown claimed the previous year in the quad race for his fourth participation on the Dakar. The Argentinean was forced out of the rally on stage 6 due to a crash that destroyed his quad. This year, he intended to regain the upper hand over Alexandre Giroud, who took advantage last year to take his title from him. However, his hopes were soon in a bad way on stage 3 when he conceded one hour to the Frenchman. By yesterday, the countryman of Lionel Messi had returned to third place in the general rankings but will not be repeating the score in football’s world cup final against Giroud, the namesake of the French squad’s goal scorer. This is the second premature exit in a row for the Argentinean in 6 consecutive participations. However, Giroud has still not yet defended his title. Francisco Moreno Flores is 2nd in the general rankings, admittedly more than an hour behind, but no doubt will be keen to make up for the misfortunes of Andújar, his countryman!

© A.S.O. / F.Gooden / DPPI

© A.S.O. / C.Lopez

Stat of the day: 2

World Rally-Raid Championship

A breath of fresh air has been blowing over the Dakar in recent years with the arrival of many rookies, each as talented as the next. Whether Seth Quintero or Mason Klein, to name but two, all have made their mark. For this 45th edition of the greatest of rally-raids, there are even more of them: Eryk Goczał, Lucas Moraes, Michael Docherty and Mitchel Van Den Brink are just a few of them. Two of them especially attracted onlookers’ attention today. Eryk Goczał is none other than the son of Marek and nephew of Michał, who together accumulated eight stage victories last year. His father passed down his passion for racing when Eryk was a mere whippersnapper. For his first participation, the newcomer in the Goczał clan only took two days to become the youngest stage winner on the Dakar. The young Polish driver has avoided any mistakes so far and on the evening of stage 11, he sits in second place in the general rankings, behind current T4 world champion Rokas Baciuška. In the car category, Moraes is not faint-hearted either. Following a third place on the Baja Aragon last year behind Nasser Al Attiyah and Yazeed Al Rajhi, he is taking part in his first Dakar with the sole objective of finishing in the top 10 of a special… The Brazilian, assisted by Timo Gottschalk, a former co-pilot of Al Attiyah among others, is doing much better because he has only missed out on the top 10 twice. On the podium for the first time on completion of stage ten, he also occupies second place in the general rankings. Admittedly, he lies more than 1 hour and 20 minutes behind Al Attiyah, but, with a high degree of consistency, he finds himself ahead of Sébastien Loeb, who has won five specials this year. Will Goczał and Moraes hold out until the end of the rally? Find out on Sunday!


By winning four specials in a row, Sébastien Loeb has demonstrated, as if it was necessary, that the nine times winner of the WRC has the talent and especially the desire to conquer his tenth world title in 2023. Barring a stroke of bad luck, Nasser Al Attiyah should continue to cautiously hurtle down the slide-like dunes of the Empty Quarter until the finish to secure his 5th triumph on the Dakar. Loeb is adopting a different strategy, involving attacking every day to seek the 5 points on offer from the W2RC to the stage winner. In virtual terms, if the two rivals remain in their current positions of 1st (50 points) and 2nd (40 points) in the classification for the first leg, when counting their points to help themselves get to sleep at the marathon bivouac, Sébastien Loeb will only have 3 less than his rival thanks to his performances on the specials. With 3 stages left to race, the Bahrain Raid Xtreme driver can let himself dream tonight. He could even take the stars out of the sky and leave the Dakar with more points in the championship than the winner of this leg, which would indeed be a first.

Classic freeze-frame

© A.S.O. / FOTOP

Frédéric and Magali Barlerin had several objectives when signing up this year for their first Dakar Classic. For the biker who tried his luck without success in 2019 before completing the rally in 2021, in the unassisted biker category if you please, but with the support of his wife each day, the aim was to enjoy the race as a couple. For their Strakit buggy which took part only once in the Paris-Dakar in 1982 without finishing, the aim was to rid this monkey from its back 40 years later. On the 4th edition of the Paris-Dakar, this buggy with its Peugeot engine did not get past the rest day in Gao. Like this year, the rally included 14 stages and the end of the first week concluded after 8 of them. Yesterday, at the marathon bivouac in Haradh reserved for participants in the Dakar Classic, the Barlerins had managed to take the oldest of the historical vehicles in the 2023 caravan beyond the rest day, which was an initial relief, but the couple are not counting their chickens before they’ve hatched just yet…

Quote of the day

© A.S.O. / FOTOP

Luciano Benavides: “If I’ve won my third stage it will be incredible

 “Today was another really fast day. I enjoyed it a lot in the Empty Quarter. I like this kind of stage. I pushed all day long in the dunes. I feels like motocross, so I like it a lot. It was a really fun day and I think I got a good result as well. I don’t know if I won, but I think for sure that I’m in the top 3. It was hard to read the tracks, but of course I wasn’t in the starting position, so I had plenty of lines in front. You always need to be really careful with the holes, because there were many holes in the sand. I missed a few and nothing happened, I didn’t crash. Luckily, there are no issues with the bike. I was trying to take care of it and not crash, no big impacts for the wheels and for the rest, so it looks like everything is ok for tomorrow. I think it wasn’t ideal to win today, but if I have, I feel really confident with my navigation, like I did yesterday opening all the stage, so if I have to do that, then of course I’m happy to be here and if I’ve won my third stage it will be incredible”.



Empty Quarter Marathon, el 12 de enero 2023




En el punto de mira …

© A.S.O. / F.Gooden / DPPI

Por fin llegó el gran día del desembarco del rally en el Empty Quarter. Tras bordear la frontera con Emiratos Árabes Unidos ayer, los pilotos y sus equipos han rozado hoy la del sultanato de Omán en su camino hacia el campamento de la etapa maratón, donde no podrán contar hoy con la ayuda de su asistencia. En la inmensidad del desierto, los pilotos del rally se han topado con una variedad de terrenos en los 275 km de lucha despiadada contra el reloj. Dunas por doquier, claro está, pero también gigantescos chotts que les han permitido volar en la pista a las velocidades máximas autorizadas: 160 km/h en el caso de las motos y 170 km/h en el caso de los coches. Tras desenvolverse con maestría en ambos terrenos de juego, Luciano Benavides ha demostrado con rotundidad que es uno de los grandes nombres de su categoría. Algo que ya sabíamos del incansable Sébastien Loeb.

Lo esencial

Los percances, las meteduras de pata, los golpes de efecto… son tan sumamente habituales en el rally raid que hacer predicciones se antoja harto difícil. La norma es válida tanto a un mes para el inicio del Dakar como la víspera…y también a falta de escasos días para el final. La constatación es evidente si echamos un vistazo a la clasificación de motos, cuyo líder ha vuelto a cambiar hoy, habiendo saboreado Kevin Benavides las mieles del éxito solo un día. El campeón de 2021 ha sido desalojado del trono por Skyler Howes pero sigue en la batalla por la victoria al acumular solo 2’44” de retraso, si bien su compañero de equipo en KTM Toby Price está mejor posicionado que él, al encontrarse a 28’’ del líder. La proximidad cronométrica en lo alto de la tabla servirá sin duda de acicate a Luciano Benavides, que ha rodado a la zaga de sus rivales durante la primera semana pero está demostrando ahora un fantástico estado de forma. Lucirse es precisamente lo que ha hecho el piloto de Husqvarna en el Empty Quarter, convirtiéndose en el primer tricampeón de etapa de la categoría, lo cual le permite acercarse peligrosamente a los puestos de honor. El hermano pequeño que es hoy todo un hombretón se encuentra en 6ª posición, a rueda de Adrien van Beveren, el gran perdedor del día, que se coloca ahora a más de 15 minutos de Howes, el otro piloto oficial de Husqvarna que está subiendo como la espuma. La progresión de Luciano Benavides, aunque evidente, resulta menos espectacular que la de Sébastien Loeb. El francés se acerca poco a poco a la segunda posición de Lucas Moraes, el brasileño peleón que conserva una renta de nueve minutos pese al festival del oriundo de Alsacia en territorio saudí. Al imponerse en la primera parte de la etapa maratón, Sébastien Loeb firma su cuarta victoria de etapa consecutiva. No se veía una racha así en coches desde la de Carlos Sainz (2009), Ari Vatanen (5 etapas seguidas en 89 y después 4 en 1990) y Jacky Ickx (1982-83-84). Es cierto que al plusmarquista de victorias del rally WRC no parecen interesarle mucho las estadísticas, pero en este caso vienen acompañadas de un suculento botín. Quizás no suficiente para hacer temblar a Nasser Al Attiyah, eso sí, líder indiscutible con hora y media de ventaja que a buen seguro dormirá a pierna suelta en el vivac de la etapa maratón. Esta situación dista mucho de la de Guillaume de Mevius, cuyo duelo con Austin Jones por la cabeza de la categoría T3 ha tocado hoy a su fin tras una cuarentena de kilómetros con una caja mecánica que le ha mantenido bloqueado durante más de hora y media. Tras imponerse en T4 el año pasado, el estadounidense ha tenido vía libre para cambiar de categoría. En Can-Am tienen, no obstante, motivos por los que preocuparse en vista de la exhibición de Yamaha en la etapa del hoy (ver La actuación del día). En T4 en cambio, la batalla entre el campeón del mundo Rokas Baciuška y su rival de 18 años Eryk Goczał sigue de lo más reñida. En la etapa 11 la balanza se ha decantado del lado del fornido lituano por un pequeño margen de 37’’, aumentando su renta a 4’17’’. Dicho esto, no hay nada ganado en SSV. Janus van Kasteren tampoco tiene ya margen para gestionar su ventaja en la cabeza de la categoría de pesos pesados pues cuenta con una ventaja raquítica de 1’12’’ sobre Martin van den Brink, ganador de la etapa del día.

La actuación del día

Un duro revés

Hace varios días, Joao Ferreira brindó a Yamaha su primera victoria de etapa en el Dakar, algo más que encomiable para el nuevo prototipo de la fábrica de Iwata, que se estrena en la categoría T3. Tras su misterioso nombre en código, el YXZ1000R Turbo está dotado de una motorización derivada de una de las motos de nieve de la marca. Y, en el Empty Quarter, con dunas que se pierden en el horizonte, ¿acaso hay algo mejor que una moto de arena para culminar con éxito la carrera?  Hoy, tres representantes del clan Yamaha nos han regalado un precioso espectáculo que ha suscitado la admiración de todos. Las cifras hablan por sí solas… Basta echar un vistazo a los tiempos en la meta. Ricardo Porem se ha adjudicado su primer scratch en el Dakar por delante de Ferreira e Ignacio Casale, moviéndose los tres hombres en apenas una veintena de segundos. A más de seis minutos de distancia encontramos a un tal Seth Quintero, que recordemos arrasó con cuanto se le ponía por delante el año pasado, y Austin Jones, nuevo líder de la general. No es poco y sin duda dice mucho sobre las intenciones de Yamaha en el universo del rally raid. El fabricante nipón quizás haya dicho adiós en motos, pero en T3, es evidente que está todo aún por escribir.

En la pasada edición del Dakar, Manuel Andújar se vio obligado a abandonar la carrera sin poder defender la corona conquistada el año anterior en quads durante su cuarta incursión en el rally. Recordemos que el argentino dijo adiós en la etapa 6 como consecuencia de una caída que dejó su quad muy mal parado. Este año, el piloto contaba con vengarse de Alexandre Giroud, que aprovechó entonces para llevarse el gato al agua. Por desgracia para él, sus esperanzas se esfumaban de un plumazo en la etapa 3, cuando cedió una hora al francés. Tras escalar hasta la tercera posición de la general ayer, el compatriota de Messi no podrá reproducir el himno de la final del Mundial de fútbol frente a Giroud, tocayo del máximo goleador de la selección francesa. Se trata del segundo abandono del argentino en seis participaciones consecutivas. Pero aún es pronto para que Giroud cante victoria: Francisco Moreno Flores es 2º en la general, a una hora bien es cierto, pero ojo, ¡también es argentino!



© A.S.O. / F.Gooden / DPPI

© A.S.O. / C.Lopez

El dato : 2

World Rally-Raid Championship

Con sabor a Classic

© A.S.O. / FOTOP

Soplan aires frescos en el Dakar desde hace varios años con la llegada de numerosos rookies, a cuál más talentoso. Seth Quintero, Mason Klein… nos han hecho soñar a todos. En esta 45ª edición del rally raid más importante del mundo, el colectivo de rookies sigue creciendo: Eryk Goczał, Lucas Moraes, Michael Docherty, Mitchel van den Brink, por citar solo unos pocos. Dos de ellos han acaparado hoy la atención. Uno de ellos es Eryk Goczał, hijo de Marek y sobrino de Michał, que acumularon entre los dos ocho victorias de etapa el año pasado. Su padre le transmitió la pasión por la competición desde la más tierna infancia. En su primera participación, el joven Eryk solo ha tardado dos días en convertirse en el ganador de etapa más joven de la historia del Dakar. El joven polaco firma por el momento una actuación impecable y, al término de la 11ª etapa ocupa la segunda posición de la general por detrás de Rokas Baciuška, el campeón del mundo en T4. En coches, Moraes tampoco se queda atrás. Tercero en la Baja Aragón el año pasado por detrás de Nasser Al Attiyah y Yazeed Al Rajhi, disputa su primer Dakar con el único objetivo de colarse en el Top 10 de una especial… El brasileño, respaldado por Timo Gottschalk, el que fuera copiloto de Al Attiyah entre otros, ha superado su meta pues solo se le ha escapado el Top 10 en dos ocasiones. Tras subirse al podio por primera vez al final de la décima etapa, ocupa también la décima posición en la general. Sí, está a 1h20’ de Al Attiyah, pero gracias a una regularidad a prueba de bombas adelanta al propio Sébastien Loeb, ganador de cinco especiales este año. ¿Lograrán Goczał y Moraes finalizar su primer Dakar? La respuesta, ¡el domingo!

La reacción del día

© A.S.O. / FOTOP

Luciano Benavides: “Si se confirma que he ganado mi tercera especial, sería fantástico

“Ha sido una vez más una etapa rápida. Me encanta el Empty Quarter y este tipo de terreno. Me permite atacar como en motocross y pienso que he logrado un buen resultado. Tenía muchas huellas por delante, así que tenía que andar con mucho cuidado. Me he saltado varios pasos pero no me he caído y la moto está bien. Las ruedas no han sufrido mucho así que la moto está lista para mañana. La posición para mañana no es la ideal pero confío en mis dotes de navegador. Me toca el mismo papel que los dos días precedentes y eso me da confianza. Si finalmente he ganado la etapa, sería fantástico.”






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