Celebratory launch with children worldwide: United Nations …

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****** Celebratory launch with children worldwide: United Nations officially recognise children’s right to a healthy environment
Today, children across the world will come together to mark the launch of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s guidance which, for the first time, recognises children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
This document, the ” General Comment No. 26 on children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change ” clarifies States’ obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, urging both States and businesses to take decisive action against climate change and environmental pollution. In a live-broadcast session held in the United Nations Palais des Nations, Geneva, the Committee on the Rights of the Child will officially launch this highly-anticipated document.
Its presentation marks the culmination of an 18-month global, intergenerational consultation process led by the international child rights organisation Terre des Hommes and co-created with expert advisors, including 12 child advisors from across the world. Contributions from 16,331 children from 121 countries were received in the consultations, making this one of the most inclusive child participation processes in the United Nation’s history.
In his speech at the launch event, Joshua Hofert, Executive Director of terre des hommes Germany, emphasises: “Today is a good day for children – and for our planet. By recognising children’s environmental rights, the Committee underscores that those responsible for climate and environmental damage violate children’s rights. States must listen to children’s and young people’s demands. They must stop making decisions at their expense. They must take action.”
Please find the full press release in the PDF document attached.
Contact: For press enquiries: Stephan Pohlmann, terre des hommes Germany, +49 541 7101 135 / mailto:s.pohlmann@tdh.de

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