Patti Smith in the ‘sassi’ for 30 years Unesco – ‘It’s a …

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****** Patti Smith in the ‘sassi’ for 30 years Unesco – ‘It’s a wonderful city,’ says the singer in Matera
“I wanted to come to this town for 40 years: it is wonderful,” American singer-songwriter Patti Smith told reporters in the Basilicata city of Matera, a few hours before the concert she gave last month at the Gervasio Auditorium for the celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the inscription of the Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera in the UNESCO World Heritage list.
“There is a wonderful view from my hotel room that surprised and moved me,” added Smith.
The day after the concert the singer, who also performed at the Petruzzelli Theatre in Bari, made a tour of the Sassi, visiting some of the places featuring in director Pier Paolo Pasolini’s epic biblical drama film ‘The Gospel according to St.Matthew’, the 60th anniversary of which will be marked next year.
Responding to a question from journalists about some of her most famous songs, Smith said her hope “is that mankind might find a way to communicate and rebuild our peaceable kingdom”.
Contact: Serafino Paternoster Capo ufficio stampa APT Basilicata +393384299742

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