Page Turner Awards Invites Scriptwriters for the Fifth Year



Page Turner Awards Opens Its Doors to Literary Excellence for the Fifth Year

London, UK, 23 January 2024

The renowned Page Turner Awards, an international writing competition that celebrates exceptional storytelling, proudly announces its opening to submissions for the 2024 season. The commencement of its annual writing competition invites wordsmiths from every corner of the globe to submit their captivating narratives.

Now in its fifth year, Page Turner Awards welcomes scriptwriters from all walks of life, to bring their cinematic narratives into the limelight.

Whether you’re a visionary director with an untold story waiting to unfold on the big screen or a talented scriptwriter crafting the next blockbuster, Page Turner Awards welcome your compelling tales from the film industry. Perhaps your stories explore the magic behind the camera or the captivating drama on screen, Page Turner Awards welcomes your narratives.

The competition encompasses three distinct categories: the Book Award for published works, the Writing Award for unpublished manuscripts, and the Screenplay Award for unproduced scripts.

A distinguished judging panel, comprising different industry experts, including literary agents, publishers, and film producers, looking for scripts to option, will meticulously assess each submission, ensuring that the highest standards of literary excellence are upheld. Once reviewed, they will select the winners, who will receive a range of valuable prizes, including book deals, literary consultations, and more.

In its commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity, Page Turner Awards is introducing two new Equality Awards: the Culture Award and the Phoenix Award. The Culture Award will recognize a work that celebrates diversity and promotes understanding between different cultures. The Phoenix Award will honour a writer who has overcome adversity and emerged with stronger writing.

Pramudith Rupasinghe, a psychosocial expert and a humanitarian for over 25 years, said, “What an incredible piece of thought! This is a humanitarian dream come true. I am wholeheartedly with you in this endeavour. It fills a significant void I have been noticing in writing contests around the world.

Entering the Page Turner Awards is a great opportunity for writers to get their work noticed and to take their writing careers to the next level, said Paula Sheridan, founder of the Page Turner Awards. The judging panel is always impressed by the high quality of submissions we receive. With our new Equality Awards, the Culture Award and the Phoenix Award, both reflect our commitment to amplifying voices that deserve to be heard. We are excited to see what new and exciting stories this year’s competition will bring.

Writers, irrespective of their background or experience, are encouraged to submit their entries and vie for the chance to be recognized on a global stage. Don’t miss this opportunity to have your work recognized by a prestigious panel of judges.

Are you a writer with a captivating story to tell? Submit your work today online at and let your voice be heard! 



For media inquiries, please contact:

Paula Sheridan at or on 0044 (0) 208 1336375

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